- to the daddy who is pitching balls to his child.
- to the daddy who is tossing candy to children from his Humvee.
- to the daddy who is giving his child a bath and reading a bedtime story.
- to the daddy who hasn't had a shower in 4 days and would like nothing better than to read his child a bedtime story.
- to the daddy who is throwing his child into the air.
- to the daddy who is being flown in a helicopter to another war zone.
- to the daddy who is tying his child's shoes.
- to the daddy who sees all the children with no shoes to tie.
- to the daddy who kisses scraped knees.
- to the daddy who sees what war can do to bodies.
- to the daddy who points out the names of the stars to his child.
- to the daddy who is wishing on a star that his child is thinking of him at this moment, too.
- to the daddy who is there, every night for his child.
- to the daddy who can't be there every night, because he is off making the world a safer place.
- to the daddy who loves his child, snuggled in his arms.
- to the daddy who loves his child, no matter how far away he is.

This is beautiful, Emily. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this is for your entire family. You are all in my prayers. Happy Father's Day, Jake!