Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why Psalm 91?

During Jake's last deployment to Afghanistan, we were told (I believe first by Jake's mom Chris) that Psalm 91 is also known as "The Soldier's Psalm." She printed a bunch of copies and had them laminated...and every day Jake was away, I read that Psalm, praying for my new husband's protection from evil, pain, and death.

Jake and I were quite lucky that we were able to communicate so much on his last deployment. We spoke often on he phone and connected by email and instant messenger when we had the chance.

During his first deployment, though, I faced a lot of anxiety. Every time I heard a car door slam, I had to go to the window & look out. I had a fear that "they" were coming to tell me that my husband was dead. I made up my mind to try some new activities...but that didn't make me feel good. I tried doing the things that used to make me smile...and nothing seemed to work. I was in a major funk.

But when Jake and I were on the phone or on the instant messenger, the closest that we could be to each other was when we were reading Psalm 91 "together." Sometimes we would type the words to each other, line by line. Other times we'd read it to ourselves, but at the same time, while chatting. Or, if we were on the phone we'd read it to each other, or read it aloud together. It was one of very few comforting things that we had...and that we could do....together.

I don't find it ironic that today the closing song at Mass was "Blest Be the Lord," which is based on Psalm 91. I love the way God gives me little "pick me ups" when I need them...

So, again, this time we ask you to join us in praying Psalm 91 daily...for Jake's safety, and for all soldiers' safety, until they come home.

1 comment:

  1. All my luv and hugs to you guys!!!! How lucky we all are that there is someone like Jake and a wonderful supportive woman like you Em! I know that this must be more than overwhelming for you but anything we can do to support both of you guys it will be done. You are an amazing mommy and Jake you are an amazing Daddy and soldier! I am sad for the time we'll all be missing you Jake, especially for Em and Asher, but am grateful for all the lower enlisted soldiers that have an absolutely excellent NCO looking out for them. Thank you for doing all you do (both of you guys!) We love you guys so much!!!!
