Sunday, January 9, 2011

Giving Each Other the Good Stuff

Jellybeans don't really soothe the soul.

They're fun to eat, but really, somedays they just make me feel guilty for ignoring the treadmill in the basement. to get continue to get keep going on those days when the end of this journey seems so far off it's not in sight?

I decided that every day, until he comes home, that Jake & I will "give" each other one good memory that we've shared. For instance, today he "gave" me the moment where we stood outside of the hospital room door, and he looked at me and we said a prayer and we felt a sense of peace wash over us before we knocked and entered to meet our beautiful son and his birthfamily for the first time. Today I "gave" him the time we took Sadie for a walk in the snow & I punched an overhanging evergreen branch so that all the snow fell down on top of Jake! And then once we got back to our yard he tackled me in the snow. You know...those great memories that make you laugh or smile just to remember them? Those are getting us by these days.

Good thing we've got 13 years of them to go on...


1 comment:

  1. That is an AWESOME idea!! Even for couples who aren't physically apart!

    I heard once when you are trying to remember things try to think back on an event or time in your life using your all your senses - not just what you saw in that moment, but what you heard, tasted, touched, and smelled!
