Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome Home Daddy

The true excitement was building for about a week. I was stressing, too, because a 4 week cough was still hanging on and had moved into my chest. Less than a week before my hero was to arrive, and I'm on my second round of 5 day antibiotics, an oral steroid, and an inhaler. Oy. Talk about stress eating + no exercise + Prednisone + sleepless nights. This could have gotten ugly.

Jake's journey home began around Wednesday/Thursday, and he arrived home on Sunday. I was attempting to wait patiently for the next email, next phone call, next message of where he was and what time it was and when he might be home. I was praying for safe travels and good weather.

When it was finally Sunday, Asher and I went to Mass as usual. One friend commented that my voice sounded especially beautiful that day. Maybe music sounds better with a huge smile on my face...I don't know...or I was mic'ed better than most weekends. Whatever it was, I was glad to be worshipping and praising God for all the blessings He's given us and for what He was soon to be bringing.

I was pleased that I was able to still participate by singing in a luncheon after Mass, and then got into my office for a few hours of work prior to Jake's arrival. It kept me busy all day, so by the time I got back to the house, I was wondering if I'd get everything done! My mom and grandma had decorated the doors, banisters, and tree out front with some beautiful yellow ribbons to welcome Jake home. My sister assisted with last minute cleaning (wiping down the dust in the man cave, running the vacuum, and throwing loads of laundry into the washing machine). I was sweating by the time we walked out the door to head to the airport.

Of course, on the day that really matters, Asher didn't nap. Great. This could get REALLY ugly. Jake and I had discussed numerous times how the reunion with little man may go. Thankfully, Jake is a wonderfully understanding man who knows that nearly 3 year old little boys can react any number of ways to a daddy he hasn't seen in months. Would he be standoffish? Would he cry? Would he be angry? Or would he smile & run into his daddy's arms?

About halfway across the bridge, Asher fell asleep in his carseat. Fabulous. When we arrived at the airport, he woke up, and like magic, he was in a good and happy mood. We had about 30 minutes to wait, and a nice group of family and friends had gathered to welcome home our favorite soldier. Lots of cameras and balloons, excitement and nervousness. My brother kept asking me, "Are you excited? How excited are you? Between a 1 and 10, what level of excitement are you at?" *SIGH*

We watched to make sure his flight was still on time, and as the digital clock flipped past his arrival time and there was no announcement of his flight arrival, I began gettng nervous. WHERE was he?!

Soon our group moved over to where you have a better view of arriving passengers, and within minutes some folks began heading towards us. We asked if they may have been on the same flight as Jake...and they WERE! With one false alarm sighting of Jake by his very excited mom, we stood there for what seemed like hours....and then we saw him. And he saw us. And he began running towards us. Someone snatched Asher and put him in his daddy's line of sight. And he began running toward Jake.

And I cried.

Jake knelt to scoop up our beautiful son and they hugged and kissed and it was one of the best moments of my life!

And then I got MY hug and kiss!

Welcome home, Daddy! We're so glad to have you back!



  1. OMIGOSH TEARS TEARS TEARS!!! This is the best post yet. I can't wait til the last one you have to do when he's home for good, but this was definitely the second best. I don't think I could be happier today :o) I love you guys SOOO much and am so glad for the happy reunion.

  2. And I cried too! Thanks for sharing Emily and enjoy our time! We plan on seeing you Saturday night!!!

  3. So so happy for you all. Precious Asher.

  4. That absolutely mad me cry. wow. safe travels and come home for good soon Jake!!
