Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today I ate the jellybean.

So far I have always let Asher pick what color he wants to eat. Blue, green, pink, brown, red, yellow. He enjoys (at least) one jellybean every day. ONLY one from the special jar, but there are plenty left in the massive jug we purchased, so for a special treat he occassionally gets a few extra. Usually he asks for FOUR.

But today I wanted to eat the jellybean. I miss Jake, too, and I look forward to his return as well. And after I ate it, I felt a little guilty for not allowing Asher to eat the special jellybean today.

My dear friend Danielle came up with a great analogy about the jellybean jar. Instead of paraphrasing her, I will let her words speak:

"I was reading your blog again today and thought of this weird it's great that you chose jellybeans because I imagine it goes well with the days of Jake's deployment. There are some jellybeans you may like and are kind of like days that go well. And then there's all those jellybeans you think are gross but you eat anyway just to get to the good ones, like those bad days you just gotta get through to get to the good!"

Pretty sure she hit that nail on the head!

Well, just for the record, today I chose a tutti fruiti. But I'm pretty sure I've got a pretty able and willing "helper" (he constantly reminds me "I'm a good helper, Mama!") to assist me when I get to those black licorice days!


  1. Awwwwwww made me cry!! i'm glad it made sense to you lol. I love you guys. *~*Dani*~*

  2. Em, you are so strong. I can't imagine and know I could not "deal" as well as you do. Your faith and strength are bringing you through, I am amazed by you. Emily M.

  3. Danielle is a wise wise woman, I'm so glad she's in your circle! I hope your jar, and your year, is heavy on the tutti fruiti.

    Blessings, C~
